Mockumentary Directed by Pausarux China 2012. Click the links below for more information: Information about the film (pdf) Audience Award Winner at The Shanghai 48 Hour Film Project 2012 Best Documentary at Toyama International Film Festival 2015 Official Selection of 2013 Toluca International Cinematographic Festival, Mexico Official Selection of Festival Internacional de Cine de San Luis Potosi …
Drama, Dark Comedy Directed by Pausarux, United Arab Emirates 2014. Information about the film (pdf) Official Selection of Baghdad International Film Festival Iraq 2015 Official Selection of Qabila Short Film Festival Egypt 2014 Official Selection of AIM Mumbai International Short Film Carnival India 2014 Synopsis After reading a break-up letter from his wife, Firas spends the night …
Own work: TWO LITTLE BIRDS (work in progress) I have contributed to the following work of my fellow students at LFA: Edible Bus Stop, Documentary, UK 2013. A group of friends decides turn the bus stops in a London neighbourhood into a garden. Invisible Roma, Documentary, UK 2013. A story of Roma girl that grows from …
CHASING CLOUDS (B’tol) Directed by Pausarux/Chris Lucas Produced by Chris Lucas 2010 DEEP IN THE DIRT (Social Conscience/Chris Lucas Hip Hop Bristol) Directed by Chris Lucas Camera Pausarux/Chris Lucas 2010 RED BALLOON (Zion Flex) Directed By Chris Lucas Camera Pausarux/Chris Lucas 2009 HOLE IN THE HEAD (Convulsions) Directed by Pausarux Camera by …
Directed by Pausarux Documentary China 2011 Documentary commissioned by EU Synopsis A documentary about a journey of a group of European scientists through the Yunnan province (China) and their encounters with the Naxi minority living there. Commissioned by the EU Science & Technology Fellowship Programme in China.
Palmas y Loros
Directed by Pausarux Environmental Documentary 2007 Synopsis: An educational documentary to encourage the public to stop consumption and exploitation of the wax palm, the only refuge/home of one of very rare parrots in Ecuador and Colombia “Cachetidorado Parrot”. Commissioned by the local government, Ecuador.
Adicta – Video poem
Directed by Vera Leon. Sound Pausarux/Vera Leon. Video Poem 2007
“Las Dictocracias” (The Dictocrats) Produced by Anarquito Directed by Pausarux/Ricardo Trujillo. Documentary. 2005 First Prize in Documentary category at Festival Nacional de Cine Kunturñahui Ecuador 2006. Synopsis: A documentary about the popular movement that led to ousting of the President of Ecuador in 2004.
Produced by Anarquito Directed by Pausarux/Ricardo Trujillo/ Experimental photo/texture and sound landscape/ 2004